Alexandra Klimas
Alexandra Klimas produces portraits of farm animals, mainly cows. According to Klimas, the cows are disappearing from the landscape mainly through the rise of mega farms in the Netherlands, where they are not allowed outside to graze. From an early age, Klimas was concerned with the fate of these good-natured beasts as she thinks they represent what happiness is supposed to look like, almost manifesting themselves as human characters with their emotions reduced to a primary level.
"We live in a world where a child does not know where milk comes from."Out of a pack" or "out of the shop" would be their answer. Long ago, in the Netherlands you could see a lot of pigs outside. This is already not the case anymore. Many children do not even know what they look like. This is also happening to the cows. You get more and more mega farms where cows are no longer allowed outside to graze. If people choose to buy meat/milk/butter/eggs, then they should also be responsible for giving the animals a better life. In the Netherlands, for example, you can choose what milk you want to buy. Milk from cows that were allowed outside or milk from cows that are always inside. Becoming aware of what you eat and drink in this throwaway society is important." - Alexandra Klimas
Artists have been depicting animals for millennia. Yet animals have rarely played the lead role in works of art. Horses have played the role of servant in nearly every painting they have featured in, either dragging a plough or carrying their master.
In Klimas’ paintings, the relationship between humans and animals is a constant yet indirect element. This relationship is often an interesting one.
For purchase enquiries and costs, or to arrange a viewing, please contact our team at or phone the gallery directly on 020 7730 7656.
Christmas Group Show
10 Dec 2024 - 14 Jan 2025A. Averbach, J. Banegas, T. Betts, J. Bodin, P. Cadden, P. Campos, A. Castellanos, F. Chartier, S. Kaluza, C. Klein, V. Klevenskiy, A. Klimas, L. Kloosterboer, I. Levashov, C. Marsh, T. Martin, V. Muller, G. Semple, A. Sheversky, A. Smart, P. Smolko, F. Stile, A. Tough, J. Wessmark, D. Wojtkiewicz & C. WylieRead moreRural Serenity: A Portrait of Farm Animals
Alexandra Klimas - Solo Show24 Apr - 20 May 2024We are delighted to announce our upcoming solo exhibition featuring paintings of cows, sheep, roosters and rabbits beautifully painted against a black background or in a field by gallery artist...Read moreChristmas Show
Group Show14 Dec 2023 - 22 Jan 2024We are thrilled to celebrate Christmas with our artists by having a group show. This will start on 14th December 20203 and will run until 22nd January 2024. If you...Read moreCoronation, Group Show 2023
3 May - 6 Jun 2023We are pleased to announce our Group Show, 'Coronation' running from 3rd May until 6th June 2023. May 6th will be a day to remember as it is the coronation...Read moreSummer Group Show 2021
21 Jun - 31 Aug 2021We are delighted to announce our most recent exhibition Summer Show, 2021 featuring a fantastic wide range of new paintings by our artists! There is also a virtual reality version...Read moreSummer Show 2019
9 Jul - 6 Sep 2019We are back with our annual Summer Show, our first group exhibition since relocating. More information to follow and full artisr list tbc...Read moreAlexandra Klimas: Farm Animals
13 Jun - 8 Jul 2019We are delighted to announce our upcoming solo exhibition featuring new paintings by gallery artist, Alexandra Klimas. Throughout her life, Klimas has watched as farm animals have increasingly disappeared from...Read moreHyperrealism
Museu del Tabac, Andorra21 Jun - 30 Sep 2018Hyperrealism is an art form that is of significant importance in our contemporary society today and one that continues to develop as technology advances.Read more
Surrounded by images, signage, advertisements and mass-media in general, it has been said that the world in which we live, shapes and transforms our experience to the point that “reality” is recognised only when it is re-produced. The fine line between reality and our media- saturated culture is increasingly blurred.Winter Show
17 Jan - 10 Feb 2018Our annual group exhibition. Starting off the new year right with amazing new works by our gallery artists and showcasing new artists to the gallery.Read moreAutumn Show
20 Sep - 4 Nov 2017This September welcomes the annual Autumn Show, we invite you to take this opportunity and view the latest Hyper-realistic paintings by a selection of Plus One Gallery artists. New works...Read moreWinter Show
24 Jan - 25 Feb 2017Plus One Gallery is pleased to present the annual group exhibition, ‘Winter Show’, expect to see new works from many Gallery artists as well as several new artists works featuring...Read moreOfficial Opening
Plus One Gallery: Battersea Reach20 Sep - 15 Oct 2016To celebrate our relocation to Battersea Reach, Plus One gallery will have an official opening event on Tuesday 20th September. There will be many new works by gallery artists unveiled...Read moreSUMMER SHOW, 2016
Battersea Reach20 Jul - 3 Sep 2016Plus One Gallery is delighted to announce that the forthcoming Summer Show, 2016 will take place at our new gallery in Battersea Reach. Look forward to viewing an array of...Read moreWinter Show
Group Show 13 Jan - 6 Feb 2016This exhibition will showcase a selection of recent paintings by; Jacques Bodin, Mike Briscoe, Paul Cadden, Pedro Campos, Patricia Casanova, Daniel Cuervo, Paul Day, Gustavo Fernandes, David Finnigan, Nourine Hammad, Alexandra Klimas, Carlos Marijuan, Tom Martin, Elena Molinari and Ben Schonzeit.Read more20|21 International Art Fair 2015
Royal College of Art Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU14 - 17 May 2015Stand 39 Now in its ninth year, this 'boutique’ fair showcases modern and contemporary art from around the world. There are also a number of dealers who specialise in work...Read moreSUMMER SHOW
Works by Gallery Artists11 - 28 Jun 2014A mid-year group show to kick off the summer season.Read more
Hyperrealism Today
Article on Hyperrealism written by Maggie Bollaert published on EF MagazineNovember 1, 2023Hyperrealism is defined as a figurative art form of superlative precision and exceptional clarity. It is the most direct visual expression of art omitting the...Read moreAlexandra Klimas in Landleven Magazine
Alexandra Klimas paints in tribute to the animalMarch 28, 2022(English translation Magazine Landleven) Alexandra Klimas paints in tribute to the animal 'I'm not an activist' Her grandfather owned three red furs. He didn't hug...Read moreHAPPY ANNIVERSARY PLUS ONE GALLERY
September 2001 - September 2021 September 20, 2021This week Plus One Gallery is 20 years old! It is 20 years since we first opened our doors in Seymour Place on the 17th...Read moreArtist in Focus: Alexandra Klimas
December 31, 2020'Tank the Bull' oil on canvas, 130 x 100 cm When it comes to humanities relationship with the animal kingdom, forget the food chain. There’s...Read moreFeel Like We’re Living in Surreal Times?
Let These 5 Leading Hyperrealist Artists Ground YouMarch 20, 2020Pedro Campos - 'Simply Delicious' oil on canvas, 114 x 162 cm Pedro Campos’s still lifes have an air-tight precision, with cans of Coca-Cola, glass...Read moreThe Story Behind the Painting II: Alexandra Klimas
Hope the DonkeyJune 4, 2019Overworked and overburdened. In developing countries, donkeys are used as draught and pack animals. They are the workhorses of the poor and a great help...Read moreHiperrealisme | 21 Jun - 30 Sept | Museu del Tabac, Andorra
July 3, 2018Read more