This week Plus One Gallery is 20 years old! It is 20 years since we first opened our doors in Seymour Place on the 17th September 2001.
What a tumultuous double decade it has been from the Twin Towers to Covid, but very definitely not all bad as much of the intervening 20 years have been enormously rewarding and exciting. So many things have changed beyond recognition in that time in all our lives generally and in the ART world as well. Almost incredibly Google had been founded only a couple of years before the gallery opened so really was not much of a presence in any of our lives. It really was the dawn of technology and none of us could have foreseen the changes that would take place in such a relatively short time. Initially we did not even have a web site and that is really quite a thought.
Colin and I have dedicated all our efforts and the direction of the gallery to the development and promotion of contemporary Hyperrealism and today Plus One Gallery is renowned for representing some of the best Hyperrealist artists in the world. The gallery gave us the opportunity to meet and forge friendships with artists and clients from almost every country. There has been no international barriers to the artists we have chosen to represent and we have shipped art to all corners of the globe to buyers.
Colin and I have dedicated all our efforts and the direction of the gallery to the development and promotion of contemporary Hyperrealism and today Plus One Gallery is renowned for representing some of the best Hyperrealist artists in the world. The gallery gave us the opportunity to meet and forge friendships with artists and clients from almost every country. There has been no international barriers to the artists we have chosen to represent and we have shipped art to all corners of the globe to buyers.
These have been very fulfilling years where we have also ventured into publishing several books, including 'Exactitude, Hyperrealist Art Today' by Thames and Hudson and which has become a reference book on Hyperrealism. We have collaborated and curated shows in museums around the world promoting the genre and the artists.
We have seen a lot of changes in the last 20 years and specifically in the art world and we have adapted to these changes accordingly, merging in-person and virtual visits to the gallery and virtual and physical exhibitions of our art. We have developed a strong online presence to fully compliment our strong actual client data base and always made every effort to maintain the highest standards of service on both mediums. The Art world continues to evolve with so many more exciting avenues being opened and we fully intend to continue to keep up or even be ahead of all that new ideas might offer.
We are extremely grateful to all our artists and clients and very dear friends who have made this journey possible. Today we celebrate 20 years of Plus One Gallery together and Colin and I celebrate that you have been with us throughout this fantastic time in our lives.
We look forward to the next 20 years!
- Maggie and Colin
A. Averbach, J. Banegas, P. Beliveau, T. Betts, A. Bigioni, J. Bodin, P. Butvila, P. Cadden, P. Campos, A. Castellanos, F. Chartier, P. Day, A. Devereux, O. Duecker, Romain E., G. Ezcurra, G. Fernandes, D. Finnigan, JKB Fletcher, S. Fox, M. Francis, D. Gortner, N. Hammad, S. Harling, A. Hemingway. S. Hennessey, P. Hohsl, B. Johnson, D. Kessler, Y. S. Kim, A. Klimas, V. Kuhn, P. Larue, C. Laubin, W. Lazos, I. Levashov, Coderch & Malavia, C. Marijuan, C. Marsh, T. Martin, D. Martinez, A. McEwan, E. Molinari, S. Nandance, F. O'Connor, B. Oretsky, T. Ostenberg, S. Perrault, A. P. Alegre, S. Piskunov,C. Poole, P. Rocklin, D. Ryan, B. Schonzeit, G. Semple, A. Smart, P. Smolko, S. Smulka, R. Sparkuhl, F. Stile, T. Suzuki, A. Tift, R. Timoteo, A. Titakis, J. Van Patten, J. Walker, R. Watt, J. Wessmark, D. Wheeler, S. Whitehead, D. Wojtkiewicz, C. Wylie & H. Zabady.